NOTE: this is a staging queue package repository. It contains new packages that require the staged build2 toolchain to work (and which will be published to once the staged version is released).

9 Packages
name libodb-oracle
summary Oracle ODB runtime library
license other: ODB NCUEL or other: proprietary
depends 2; libodb, *cli ?
name libodb
summary Common ODB runtime library
license GPL-2.0-only or other: proprietary
depends 0
name libodb-boost
summary Boost ODB profile library
license GPL-2.0-only or other: proprietary
depends 1; libodb
name libodb-mssql
summary Microsoft SQL Server ODB runtime library
license other: ODB NCUEL or other: proprietary
depends 2; libodb, *cli ?
name libodb-mysql
summary MySQL ODB runtime library
license GPL-2.0-only or other: proprietary
depends 3; libmysqlclient, libodb, *cli ?
name libodb-pgsql
summary PostgreSQL ODB runtime library
license GPL-2.0-only or other: proprietary
depends 3; libpq, libodb, *cli ?
name libodb-qt
summary Qt ODB profile library
license GPL-2.0-only or other: proprietary
depends 1; libodb
name libodb-sqlite
summary SQLite ODB runtime library
license GPL-2.0-only or other: proprietary
depends 3; libsqlite3, libodb, *cli ?
name odb
summary ODB compiler
license GPL-3.0-only
depends 3; libstudxml, libcutl, *cli ?