NOTE: this is a staging queue package repository. It contains new packages that require the staged build2 toolchain to work (and which will be published to once the staged version is released).

10 Packages
name libodb
summary Common ODB runtime library
license GPL-2.0-only or other: proprietary
depends 0
name odb
summary ODB compiler
license GPL-3.0-only
depends 3; libstudxml, libcutl, *cli ?
name odb-examples
summary ODB compiler usage examples
license GPL-2.0-only
depends 19; *odb, libodb, libodb-mysql ?, libodb-sqlite ?, libodb-pgsql ?, libodb-oracle ?, libodb-mssql ?, libodb-boost ?, libodb-qt ?, libboost-multi-index ?, libboost-optional ?, libboost-smart-ptr ?, libboost-unordered ?, libboost-uuid ?, libboost-date-time ?, libQt5Core ?, libQt6Core ?, *mysql-client ?, *psql ?
name libodb-qt
summary Qt ODB profile library
license GPL-2.0-only or other: proprietary
depends 1; libodb
name libodb-boost
summary Boost ODB profile library
license GPL-2.0-only or other: proprietary
depends 1; libodb
name libodb-mssql
summary Microsoft SQL Server ODB runtime library
license other: ODB NCUEL or other: proprietary
depends 2; libodb, *cli ?
name libodb-mysql
summary MySQL ODB runtime library
license GPL-2.0-only or other: proprietary
depends 3; libmysqlclient, libodb, *cli ?
name libodb-oracle
summary Oracle ODB runtime library
license other: ODB NCUEL or other: proprietary
depends 2; libodb, *cli ?
name libodb-pgsql
summary PostgreSQL ODB runtime library
license GPL-2.0-only or other: proprietary
depends 3; libpq, libodb, *cli ?
name libodb-sqlite
summary SQLite ODB runtime library
license GPL-2.0-only or other: proprietary
depends 3; libsqlite3, libodb, *cli ?